Did you use to do gymnastics as a kid? Have you ever wanted to try? Come explore who we are and what we do in Texas Gymnastics!
Meet the people who make this club run smoothly! Thanks to them, we get to have tons of fun and make awesome memories.
Have a burning question about TG? It's probably answered here. These are a few common questions we get from students!
The Who, What, When, Where, and Why of TG tryouts!
Check out our annual dues and unique fundraising opportunities!
Practice is great way to try new skills, perfect routines, and meet new friends.
If you're interested in joining the team you can: 1. DM us on instagram @texasgymnastics 2. Email us an email at texasgymnastics@gmail.com 3. Fill out our interest form by clicking 'Learn More' below:
Our email is the best way to reach us!