Winter Break 2021

Classes for the Spring 2022 semester have officially started! This past break has been much needed and very well deserved. While some of us just decided to sleep the entire break...others got out there and explored the world! Let's check it out!

Elias spent his winter break in Colombia where he worked on his super impressive calisthenics and strength skills!

Ella went to Patagonia and saw some AMAZING views!! She hiked a whole bunch and obviously had to document what she saw by taking a handstand picture!

Kait and Kendall went ice skating here in Austin! It was probably 80 degrees outside, but you wouldn't know that from inside this indoor ice rink...Gotta do what you gotta do during a Texas "winter".

Skyla went to Colorado and saw some breathtaking views! She also skiied and rocked those boots and pink jacket combo. So cute!!

Mai also went to Colorado and skiied! Her family goes just about every year. She's showing off her TG pride even in a different state.

Thanks to everyone who sent in pictures! We are all back in Austin and working hard to prepare for season. We can't wait!!!